In the Ground
Naturalized Roadways | Palmetto Expressway received their final post-installation inspections this year. The three interchanges - NW 36th, 58th, and 74th ST - have established well. With every visit, staff members Ruben Colon and Ralph Ferrer, encountered a variety of pollinators taking advantage of the landscape. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing our designs being accepted by it's most valued users.
Coconut Grove Streetscapes wrapped-up after 10 years of design and construction. Our principle, Jennie Rogers, had been involved in this project since her first days at C+R! Starting with Florida Avenue and finishing on Main Highway; our design responded to the conflict between protecting pedestrians from uplifting pavers, as well as maintaining the characteristic canopy of the Grove. Pictured above, bricks have been replaced with Flexipave, which provides a stable, yet pervious walking surface.
Alice Wainwright Park | Baywalk had its final walkthrough this past week. The last step in the process was the installation of the environmentally sensitive permeable path that weaves its away through beds of golden creeper, beach sunflower, and salt meadow cordgrass. The waterfront portion will be ready for park goers come 2022, with upland improvements planned to follow.
On the Drawing Board
Nature Based Playgrounds (as part of Miami - Dade County Parks, Recreation & Open Space's Nature-Based play initiative) have just wrapped up the design development phase. The playground shown, found at JL (Joe) and Enid W. Demps Park, plays on the rhythmic patterns of nature to incorporate music, and movement while responding to community needs for ADA accessible play areas and greater variety of equipment. Curtis + Rogers is also working on the Design Criteria for the parks department for all future playgrounds.
W 92nd ST | Stormwater Park is in design development. Programming will include playgrounds, circular basketball half courts, and and open multi-use play field all nestled within fun and playful environment that showcases the native landscape via vegetation, topography, geology, and hydrology. The far right side of the park will be a stormwater detention area populated with native species that are suited for aquatic conditions.
Jose Marti Park Adaptive Redesign made it through the bulk of agency approvals and has now undergoing a dry run permit with the City of Miami. While the design work has been completed, we push forward with the documentation for WEDG (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) accreditation, looking to have an application submitted by March 2022.
Towards the Horizon
In the new year, we are grateful to be leading and collaborating with others on a range of projects across South Florida. Keep an eye out for more news on the following:
- Fort Lauderdale Parks Improvements
- Broward Commuter Rail Design Criteria
- Hollywood Stormwater Master Plan
- North Bay Village Stormwater Master Plan
- Miami Beach Police Courtyard